“Binders full of women”

At the bottom i have attached a video from a fairly recent presidential campaign where Romney talks about his views on gender inequality within the workplace.   After being asked how he would rectify the inequalities in the workplace if elected.   He responded, “I had the chance to pull together a Cabinet, and all the applicants seemed to be men,” he said. “I went to a number of women’s groups and said, ‘Can you help us find folks?’ and they brought us whole binders full of women.”  Talking about when he was governor of Massachusetts.   This as imagined caused huge uproar with women, thinking he was degrading them as a whole and being more talk and less action.

After watching this i feel Romney made a slip of the tongue in saying Binders of Women.  Although i do agree with many new reporters who said  he avoided the question entirely.  Diverting to something lesser, bringing up a scenario that was based on trued events;but not entirely true as a whole, to make him seem more relateable and compassionate. Instead he came off as a liar and sexist; speaking of women as interchangeable and abundant.  He should have stuck to the real question and said what he did in a follow-up interview.  That he wanted equal pay for all people regardless of gender and to have equal opportunities for work.